Same Life, New Story by Jan Silivious is an excellent book for women. It opens up your eyes to the women of the Bible. It shows their stories in a much greater light than one has ever really thought about. It gives us many examples on how these women in the Bible have gone through the same struggles, the same thoughts, the same paths we have. It shows their rises and their falls. It shows their heartaches and their joys. Above all, it show that when faced with life changing and many times painful situations, that though they had their struggles and their falls, they leaned on God, they trusted Him and they followed, they came back to Him and it changed their lives completely.
I love the chapter about Leigh especially, because it puts my own life in perspective on how much I cling to the past to translate into how I walk through my every day life, blaming things on how I was raised or bad things that happened to me, even though those things happened, I can not let them dictate my life or I will be eaten up by my past.
I would suggest Same Life, New Story to every women out there. It is a wake up call.